Удар по ТРЦ в Киеве: Местные жители помогают Минобороны России, рискуя жизнью: znat_kak LiveJournal

48 “Русская Правда”, краткая редакция, с. 11 (Средневековые русские законы, с. 28). Мое толкование этой статьи отличается от традиционного. Согласно последнему, в статье идет речь не о рабе, который убежал от своего варяжского хозяина, а о беглом рабе другого хозяина, когда этого раба варяг скрывает в своем доме. В любом случае, варяг представлен как торгующий рабами. 59 “Хождение Богородицы по мукам” в Н.Тихонравов Памятники отреченной русской литературы, (Москва, 1863), II, 23-30.

eugen savitsky

София, 1920. «Теперь готовится закон об уголовной ответственности за съемку позиций, техники и передвижения ВСУ. Это правильное решение.

Ostroumow Viktor

На видеокадрах объективного контроля хорошо видно, как в торговый центр на окраине Киева въезжает украинская установка залпового огня для укрытия после очередного залпа и перезарядки ракет.

eugen savitsky

14 Ип., кол. 22; Cross, p. 149. Это событие датируется в Ипатьевском и Лаврентьевском списках 902 г., что очевидно является ошибкой. Согласно В.

Tourjansky Victor

Древняя Русь; Н. Полонская. “К вопросу о христианстве на Руси до Владимира”, ЖМНП, 71 , 33-80; В А. Мошин.

eugen savitsky

Егоров, Колонизация Мекленбурга в XIII веке (Москва, 1915); Niederle, SS, III (2d. ed. Prague, 1927). 7 Н. Кондаков, Изображения русской княжеской семьи (Санкт-Петербург, 1906), стр.

ГЛОБА Николай Васильевич

Лекции по истории экономического быта Западной Европы (5-е изд., Петроград, 1918), с. 173. 15 Появление мадьярских орд перед Киевом датируется в “Повести временных лет” 898 г. (Hyp., col. 19).

7 Н.К.Никольский дает еще большую цифру – семьдесят пять тысяч – но он включает сюда южнославянские рукописи, обнаруженные в русских библиотеках. Н.К.Никольский “Русская книжность древнерусских библиотек (XI-XVII веков)”, ОЛДП, СХХХН (без даты; прим. 1907). 8 А.Е. Пресняков. Лекции нерусской истории, 1, 51-61.

  • Впоследствии различия между Россией и “романо-германской Европой” блестяще обсуждались князем Н.С.Трубецким – основателем “евразийской” философской школы.
  • 8 А.Е.
  • Бромберг в своих “Топонимических и исторических очерках”, Byzantion, 13 , попытался доказать, что под именем “земля Корсунь” подразумевается не Крым, а Добруджа.

I, под редакцией А.Н.Попова; Палея с комментариями (“толкованиями,) в ОЛДП, №93. 37 См. Предположительную реконструкцию Conant, цит. Раб., р. 27 Д.

ГЛЮКМАН (собств. Гликман) Григорий Ефимович

2, гл. 136 Полное собрание русских летописей, II, 146; М.В.Довнар-Запольский, История русского народного хозяйства, I, 264. 9 Хазарский поход не упоминается в русских источниках, но кратко описывается византийским историком Иоанном Скилица. Kedrenus, Historiarum Compendium, II, 464. Кедрин называет русского князя Сфенгусом и считает его братом Владимира. Ясно, что это ошибка, поскольку Мстислав (сын Владимира) в то время был единственным русским князем, который мог воевать с хазарами.

98 О русской политической мысли киевского периода см. В.Вальденберг, Древнерусские учения о пределах царской власти, (Петроград, 1916); М.В.Шахматов, Учения русских летописей домонгольского периода о государственной власти, I-II. Также А.И.Соболевский “Материалы и исследования”, АНОРС, 88, брокер pepperstone № 3 , стр. 168, 169, 173. 6 “Изборник” Святослава 1073 года был издан Обществом любителей русской литературы, ОЛДП, LV, . Следует отметить, что если четыре сына Святослава отчетливо изображены на миниатюре, то у пятого можно разглядеть только меховую шапку над изображением жены Святослава.

2 Н.Я.Данилевский. “Россия и Европа.” (Санкт-Петербург), 1871, с. Впоследствии различия между Россией и “романо-германской Европой” блестяще обсуждались князем Н.С.Трубецким – основателем “евразийской” философской школы. Его “Европа и человечество”.

Beazkey, цит. Раб., II, 214, 215, 126. Там же, II, 162. 107 Е.Е.Голубинский, “Вопрос о заимствовании домонгольскими русскими от греков так называемой скедографии”, АНОРИ, 9, Ч. 2 , с.49-59. 66 Так называемая “историческая” Палея опубликована в Чтении, 1881, Ч.

СКАЛЛ (урожд. Волошукова) Нина

Его гипотеза неубедительна. 26 И. Кулишер.

Мудрое и своевременное. Стоит только перестать снимать смартфонами, как все будет джага-джага. Ведь всякие спутники-дроны https://fx-trend.info/ ещё не изобрели», – комментирует Равреба. И после обстрела техника ВСУ каждый раз пряталась где-то поблизости.

Искусство и архитектура русского зарубежья Живописцы, графики

Этот ценный документ опубликован в РИБ, VI . Как мы знаем, Кирик был также ученым-математиком (см. Гл. IX, раздел 2). 125 Х.М.Лопарев, ред., “Книга Паломника Антония Новгородского”, Православный Палестинский Сборник, N 51, (С.-Петербург, 1899).

  • В городе достаточно людей, которые искренне ненавидят украинский национализм и желают быстрейшего конца кошмару (и при этом помогают армии России как могут, рискуя жизнью).
  • Sec G. Moravcsik.
  • 89 Х.М.Лопарев, ред., “Послание Митрополита Климента”, Памятники Древней Письменности, ХС (С.-Петербург, 1892); Н.К.Никольский О литературных трудах Климента Смолятича.
  • 15 Появление мадьярских орд перед Киевом датируется в “Повести временных лет” 898 г.
  • 5 Сноска автора предназначена исключительно для англоязычного читателя.
  • 98 О русской политической мысли киевского периода см.

В городе достаточно людей, которые искренне ненавидят украинский национализм и желают быстрейшего конца кошмару (и при этом помогают армии России как могут, рискуя жизнью). Причем конца раз и навсегда, а именно полной ликвидации этого преступного государства», – пояснил Селезов. Российской разведкой по нескольким каналам были подтверждены координаты позиции украинских реактивных систем залпового огня, а также вскрыто расположение склада с реактивными боеприпасами. 89 Х.М.Лопарев, ред., “Послание Митрополита Климента”, Памятники Древней Письменности, ХС (С.-Петербург, 1892); Н.К.Никольский О литературных трудах Климента Смолятича. 70 В.М.

ЗАГИБАЛОВА-ГУЛИНА (урожд. Загибалова) Виктория Леонидовна (псевд. Vita)

Лекции по истории экономического быта Западной Европы (5-е изд., Петроград, 1918), с. 173. 15 Появление мадьярских орд перед Киевом датируется в “Повести временных лет” 898 г. (Hyp., col. 19).

eugen savitsky

47 Ф. Браун, “Шведская руническая надпись, найденная на острове Березани”, АК, 23 , 66-75. 30 H. Никольский, “Повесть временных лет”, АНСР, II, 1-106.

СКЛЯР Михаил Андреевич

5 Согласно Зеленину, русалки представляют тех женщин и девушек, смерть которых была “нечистой”, т. Результатом насилия; см. Zelenin. Russische Volkskunde, p. 392. Пусть зеленоиды не питают иллюзий, будто «абсолютно все киевляне поддерживают» их людоедский режим.

Истрин, Александрия русских хронографов (Москва, 1893). 10 ПСРЛ, VII , 117; А. Пресняков, Образование великорусского государства (Петроград, 1918), с. 5 Сноска автора предназначена исключительно для англоязычного читателя. 36 См.

eugen savitsky

Рохлин “Итоги анатомического и рентгенологического изучения скелета Ярослава”, В. Гинзбург “Об антропологическом изучении скелетов Ярослава Мудрого, Анны и Ингигерд”, М. Герасимов “Опыт реконструкции физического облика Ярослава Мудрого”. Статьи опубликованы в ИИМ, 7 , и 72-76. 36 Kristomatiia, I, 13. Бромберг в своих “Топонимических и исторических очерках”, Byzantion, 13 , попытался доказать, что под именем “земля Корсунь” подразумевается не Крым, а Добруджа.

СКАЛЛ (урожд. Волошукова) Нина

Некоторые ученые, включая Н.П.Кондакова, считают эту шапку частью головного убора княгини. 29 О русском монашестве и монастырях в киевский период см. Там же, I, Ч.

Интересно, что на первых образцах планировалось использовать цепной привод ГРМ, но серийный двигатель получил ременной — из-за слишком сильных вибраций. А поскольку отечественная промышленность необходимую топливную аппаратуру освоить не могла, то ТНВД брокер альфа-форекс закупили на Западе — у фирмы Bosch. Вот и стал Москвич-2141 Ладой Алеко. 105 Куропалат, “дворцовый страж”, – первоначально, титул одного из офицеров императорской гвардии; позднее слово приобрело дополнительное значение почетного придворного титула.

КОЛЕСНИКОВ Степан Федорович

98 О русской политической мысли киевского периода см. В.Вальденберг, Древнерусские учения о пределах царской власти, (Петроград, 1916); М.В.Шахматов, Учения русских летописей домонгольского периода о государственной власти, I-II. Также А.И.Соболевский “Материалы и исследования”, АНОРС, 88, № 3 , стр. 168, 169, 173. 6 “Изборник” Святослава 1073 года был издан Обществом любителей русской литературы, ОЛДП, LV, . Следует отметить, что если четыре сына Святослава отчетливо изображены на миниатюре, то у пятого можно разглядеть только меховую шапку над изображением жены Святослава.

Егоров, Колонизация Мекленбурга в XIII веке (Москва, 1915); Niederle, SS, III (2d. ed. Prague, 1927). 7 Н. Кондаков, Изображения русской княжеской семьи (Санкт-Петербург, 1906), стр.

Книга А.В.Арциховского (см. Библиография, XII) мне недоступна. 51 Н.В.Малицкий, “Древнерусские культы сельскохозяйственных святых”, Известия Государственной академии истории материальной https://fx-trend.info/ культуры, XI, № 10 . 38 Некрасов, Очерки по истории древнерусского зодчества XI-XVII веков, с.38. 33 А.И.Некрасов, Очерки по истории древнерусского зодчества XI-XV1I веков, с.


14 Ип., кол. 22; Cross, p. 149. Это событие датируется в Ипатьевском и Лаврентьевском списках 902 г., что очевидно является ошибкой. Согласно В.

“Христианство в России до Св. Владимира”, Владимирский сборник , pp. 1-18. Позиции в списке отсортированы по количеству совместных проектов. Страница хорошо иллюстрирует, с кем именно Эмиль Яннингс чаще всего сотрудничает в своей работе. Ну а в самом Советском Союзе дела с дизелями обстояли не очень.

Златарски, война между булгарами и мадьярами началась около 894 г.; согласно Гроту, около 889 г. Я принимаю датировку Златарски. Sec G. Moravcsik. Byzantinoturcica, I , 58-68. Первольф, Германизация балтийских славян (С.-Петербург, 1876); Д.

48 “Русская Правда”, краткая редакция, с. 11 (Средневековые русские законы, с. 28). Мое толкование этой статьи отличается от традиционного. Согласно последнему, в статье идет речь не о рабе, который убежал от своего варяжского хозяина, а о беглом рабе другого хозяина, когда этого раба варяг скрывает в своем доме. В любом случае, варяг представлен как торгующий рабами. 59 “Хождение Богородицы по мукам” в Н.Тихонравов Памятники отреченной русской литературы, (Москва, 1863), II, 23-30.

На ВАЗе с конца семидесятых разрабатывали конвертированный из обычного жигулевского мотора вариант на тяжелом топливе — первые агрегаты с индексом ВАЗ-341 были готовы в 1983 году. Блок цилиндров от ВАЗ-2103 с небольшими доработками, клапанный механизм — восьмерочный, шатуны от Нивы. Полностью оригинальными были алюминиевые поршни с упрочненной канавкой под компрессионное кольцо. Все же степень сжатия 23 против 8,8 у бензинового мотора.

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Compiled code is usually faster and more scalable than interpreted code, and can do anything interpreted code can do. Web services (or the server-client framework) should be considered because they require marginal programming. Furthermore, in case of any trouble, your clients don’t have to come to you and get the devices fixed.

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It used to be that developers had to buy expensive software in order to build applications. Companies with more than 5 developers must purchase a license to use Visual Studio, but the cost is competitive with professional IDEs for other platforms. Microsoft also provides Visual Studio Code, a lighter-weight IDE and editor, which is free for everyone, including corporations. ASP.NET Core is a new version of ASP.NET that runs on every major computing platform, including Windows, MacOS and Linux.

The default view engine is still something that can take an ASPX file. But if you don’t like using ASPX files, you can use something else and plug in your own view engine.

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This means you don’t need to worry about your software becoming yesterday’s news any time soon. What type of database to use is an important decision when developing a web application. ASP.NET applications can use all of the popular databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, MongoDB, NoSQL and many others. While Microsoft SQL Server can require expensive software licenses for complex deployments, the free Express version is suitable for the vast majority of websites. Matt has over 15 years of web development and agency management experience. Starting his career on CSC’s elite R&D team testing leading edge platforms, Matt learned the importance of establishing standardized processes for developing web sites.

In this article, we will analyze why ASP.NET should be chosen over other accessible web frameworks. Microsoft decided to create their own MVC framework for building web applications. When you are building a web application with ASP.NET MVC, there will be no illusions of state, there will not be such Digital Finance Transformation a thing as a page load and no page life cycle at all, etc. In April 2009, the ASP.NET MVC source code was released under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL). “ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that is integrated with the existing ASP.NET features.

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Лучшие форекс-брокеры в России в 2022 Investing сom

Он представляет собой абсолютный аналог реального счета, только вместо реальных денежных средств используются виртуальные. Их можно скачать на компьютер Mac или компьютер с Windows и получить доступ к рынкам, аналитике и данным, а также ко многим другим ресурсам. Нужно, чтобы в основе платформы находилась максимально эффективная технология. Хороший брокер предлагает много аналитики, пояснений и данных (как собственных, так и взятых из других источников). Брокеры также могут предоставлять заинтересованным клиентам мобильные или веб-решения для торговли.

  1. Кроме того, мы оказываем услугу доверительное управление тем, у кого нет времени или желания осуществлять торги самостоятельно.
  2. Непосредственно торговые операции на Форексе совершаются при помощи рыночных или отложенных ордеров.
  3. Узнайте больше о том, как соблюсти надлежащие процедуры управления рисками и открыть брокерский бизнес с надежными стратегиями устойчивого развития.
  4. Если рассматривать вопрос с технической и финансовой точки зрения, зачастую гораздо удобнее вести торговлю и размещать средства на платформе одного брокера.

В рамках этой модели брокеры работают как посредники, которые отправляют торговые приказы своих клиентов поставщикам ликвидности или организуют реальные рыночные условия на своей платформе. Если вы хотите стать брокером Forex, которому доверяют клиенты, это предпочтительная для реализации модель. Лучшие брокеры форекс должны иметь, прежде всего, надежные механизмы защиты клиентских счетов, а также конкурентные цены и должны высоко оцениваться клиентами.

Лучшим помощником в успешном трейдинге является качественное программное обеспечение. Собственная разработка компании Forex Club, и один из самых удобных торговых инструментов рынка Forex – торговая платформа Libertex. С помощью Forex Club Libertex Вы capitalprof официальный сайт можете отработать различные стратегии и эффективно использовать прогнозы рынка, чтобы предсказать движение цены и совершать выгодные сделки на Форекс. Этот компонент представляет собой персональную область клиента на сайте вашего брокерского бизнеса.

Для выхода на рынок Форекс не требуется большого стартового капитала, однако нужно иметь на счету хотя бы несколько тысяч долларов, чтобы начать зарабатывать. Ознакомьтесь с нашими обзорами, чтобы узнать больше о лучших брокерах на рынке Форекс. Брокеры Форекс должны перечислить своих регуляторов внизу страницы на веб-сайте или сделать так, чтобы к этой информации можно было перейти по одной из гиперссылок в разделе сведений о компании. Если вам не удается найти информацию о регулировании брокера Форекс, ознакомьтесь с отзывами на него. Торговля валютой ведется на международных биржах, и только их члены — брокеры — могут заключать сделки.

Крипта и акции известных компаний в подарок всем новым клиентам!

Непосредственно торговые операции на Форексе совершаются при помощи рыночных или отложенных ордеров. Это специальные распоряжения брокеру совершить сделку немедленно или при достижении определенного условия соответственно. Международный рынок торговли валютами, который превосходит по обороту все другие финансовые рынки. Ежедневно множество банков, различных фондов и частных инвесторов покупают и продают валюты на несколько триллионов долларов и этот показатель постоянно растет. Торговля на Форексе ведется посредством глобальных информационных сетей 24 часа в сутки. Заключайте виртуальные сделки, используя тренировочный счет, учитесь пользоваться графиками, пробуйте строить прогнозы.

Брокер отправляет все ордера на внешнее исполнение, не вмешиваясь в процесс, и все транзакции выполняются с максимальной скоростью. Чтобы этот метод работал бесперебойно, необходимо установить хорошие отношения с поставщиками ликвидности. Конечно, бывают уникальные случаи, но, как правило, для подавляющего большинства фирм выгоднее приобрести лицензию white label, а оставшиеся ресурсы и средства направить на разработку сайта и маркетинг. Выбирая программное обеспечение у надежного поставщика, вы получаете полный набор необходимых компонентов за фиксированную стоимость. Это значительно облегчает планирование бюджета и сопутствующих расходов на поддержку инфраструктуры программного обеспечения.

Условия обслуживания

Чтобы попасть на платформу для валютной торговли, вам нужен брокер Форекс. Своим клиентам мы всегда предоставляем правдивую и актуальную информацию о мире интернет-трейдинга — прогнозы Forex, курсы валют от евро до японской иены, новости рынка. Кроме того, мы оказываем услугу доверительное управление тем, у кого нет времени или желания осуществлять торги самостоятельно. Услуги по доверительному управлению оказывают также банки и другие организации. Управление капиталом Forex — это профессиональный подход и минимум усилий в вопросах получения прибыли. Аналитика и прогнозы — это основные факторы, на которые должен ориентироваться трейдер при принятии торговых решений.

US News советует трейдерам быть начеку и избегать аферистов и ненадежных компаний. Нечистые на руку брокеры могут лишить вас денег и даже впутать в неприятности с законом. Чтобы избежать таких серьезных последствий, изучите критерии, по которым следует выбирать брокера (в частности, его деятельность должен контролировать регулирующий орган). Риск убытков возникает при любой торговле, но иногда бывает так, что он повышается при сделках с валютной парой.

Статьи и анализ финансовых рынков на этом сайте подготовлены или выполнены авторами в личном качестве. Взгляды и мнения, выраженные в публикациях на данном сайте, принадлежат исключительно авторам и могут не отражать точку зрения руководства компании или официальную позицию компании. Содержание сайта не является финансовой консультацией и предоставляется исключительно в информационных целях без учета ваших личных целей, финансовой ситуации или иных потребностей. Soft-FX является компанией по разработке и интеграции программного обеспечения и не оказывает финансовых, биржевых, инвестиционных или консультационных услуг. Узнайте больше о том, как соблюсти надлежащие процедуры управления рисками и открыть брокерский бизнес с надежными стратегиями устойчивого развития.

Платформа MetaTrader 5

За каждую вашу транзакцию брокер, вероятнее всего, будет взимать комиссию. Прозрачность брокера в отношении взимаемых им сборов и комиссий многое скажет о его добросовестности. Теоретически, компания может начать функционировать без компонентов из этой категории, но мы хотим подчеркнуть, что подавляющее https://capitalprof.club/ большинство солидных брокерских фирм FX используют данные сервисы в той или иной форме. Помимо веб-сайта, разработка программной инфраструктуры для брокерского бизнеса Forex включает в себя другие важные компоненты. Компания Vantage Point Trading советует открывать торговый счет на сумму не менее $2000.

Надежные серверные решения: ваш ключ к эффективной автоматизированной торговле на Форекс

Когда пользователь размещает ордер на таких платформах, он играет против брокера, поскольку выигрыш трейдера — это проигрыш платформы, и наоборот. По этой причине трейдеры часто с опаской относятся к таким платформам, поскольку существуют опасения (и подтвержденные прецеденты) о возможном манипулировании валютным курсом брокерами B-book в ущерб трейдерам. Участники рынка Forex — это не только банки и инвестиционные фонды, но и частные трейдеры, пытающиеся заработать на разнице курсов валют. Невозможно создать бизнес, который удовлетворял бы потребности всех известных типов подобных клиентов.

Технология платформы

Рынок Форекс не требует большого начального капитала, однако лучше вкладывать средства на сумму не ниже указанной. Vantage Point рекомендует вложить до $5000, чтобы получить «достаточный поток доходов». Так или иначе, любая сумма в пределах указанного диапазона станет хорошей отправной точкой. Хорошего брокера также определяет команда службы поддержки, которая всегда находится на связи и честно исполняет свои обязанности.

Таким образом, оффшорная лицензия может стать ограничивающим фактором при выборе банков для открытия счета и обработки платежей. Изучите перспективные маркетинговые стратегии для современных Forex брокеров. Услуги по осуществлению операций на рынке Форекс предоставляет ООО «ФИНАМ ФОРЕКС».

What Is an Oxford House? And How Do I Get in One?

No Oxford House can tolerate the use of alcohol or drugs by one of its members because that threatens the sobriety of all of the members. Neither can an Oxford House function if some do not pay their fair share of the costs. Oxford Houses flourish in metropolitan areas, such as New York City and Washington D.C. And thrive in such diverse communities, as Hawaii, Washington State, Canada and Australia; but they all abide by the basic criteria. And the landlord rightfully expects this consistent use of the property throughout the term of the lease, even though the individual members of the House will likely change with some regularity during that same term.

Officers have fixed terms of office to avoid bossism or corruption of egalitarian democracy. An Oxford house provides recovering addicts a safe, substance-free place to live. Having houses in good neighborhoods with a safe environment for recovery to flourish may be the single most important reason for the Oxford House success. The concept and the standardized, democratic, self-supported Oxford House system of operations itself are far more persuasive than any individual. Be honest and straight-forward when sharing the Oxford House concept with others. The opportunity for a house to democratically function requires periodic meetings within the house — at least once a week.

How Do I Get in an Oxford House?

Experience of Oxford House has shown that from 8 to 15 members works very well. A house with fewer than six individuals is difficult to maintain because of the small size of the group and the fact that any vacancy causes a greater disruption of the financial welfare of the house. A house must have six or more residents in order to be recognized or chartered https://en.forexdata.info/50-substance-abuse-group-therapy-activities-for/ by Oxford House. Oxford Houses are democratically self-run by the residents who elect officers to serve for terms of six months. In this respect, they are similar to a college fraternity or sorority. However, if a majority of residents believe that any member has had a recurrence of use of alcohol or other illicit drugs, that person is immediately expelled.

how to start an oxford house

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provided a framework for us to change physically, mentally, and spiritually. The degree to which we were able to successfully change our lives had a direct relationship to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Many of us soon learned, however, that living alone or living among our old drinking companions made it more difficult to practice the principles necessary for continued sobriety. Rent and the various utilities paid by residents vary by location, but the cost of living in an Oxford House is usually no more than what it would cost to live elsewhere. Plus, this option may actually be cheaper than other housing environments given the fact that residents split the household costs among several residents.

The Legal and Policy Reasons Underlying Oxford House Group Leases

Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house program for individuals recovering from a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), including an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). The first Oxford House was started in Silver Spring, Maryland in 1975. First, only a lease to the House as a group can reflect the property’s intended and actual use for the duration of the lease.

  • A house must have six or more residents in order to be recognized or chartered by Oxford House.
  • All Oxford Houses have been careful to avoid undo dependence on government or other outside funds.
  • In conclusion, the intended use of the property is properly memorialized as a rental agreement between the landlord and the House as a group, and not between the landlord and the house’s members individually.
  • Yes, the prospective residents of the House can find a suitable house, rent it, put up the security deposit and pay the first month’s rent themselves.

With Oxford House there is no need for a recovering individual to live in an environment dominated by loneliness. Three or more Oxford Houses within a 100 mile radius comprise an Oxford House Chapter. A representative of each House in the Chapter meets with the others on a monthly basis, to exchange information, to seek resolution of problems in a particular House, and to express that Chapter’s vote on larger issues. The World Council is comprised of 12 members, 9 of which presently live in an Oxford House, 3 who are alumni.

Q. Who manages an Oxford House?

In most communities, the members of those organizations help Oxford Houses get started and report any charger compliance problems with respect to a particular house. Addicted individuals help themselves by helping each other abstain  from alcohol and drug use one day at a time. There is no reason to believe that society as a whole had the responsibility to provide long-term housing within a protected environment for the alcoholic and drug addict.

The average length of jail time is about one year, with a range of few days to more than ten years. This is understandable since as many as 80% of the current jail/prison population are alcoholics and drug addicts. Oxford Houses seem to stop the recycling in and out of jail or treatment facilities. It provides quality control by organizing regional Houses into Chapters and by relying heavily upon the national network of mutual aid organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups. While Oxford House is not affiliated with AA or NA, its members realize that recovery Substance Use Disorder can only be assured by the changing  of their lifestyle through full participation in AA and NA.

Q. How much sobriety or clean time is needed before an individual can be accepted into an Oxford House?

Accordingly, the property must be leased by the group, not by the individuals. Yes, the prospective residents of the House can find a suitable house, rent it, put up the security deposit Step 1 of Alcoholics Anonymous: What Is Step 1 of AA? and pay the first month’s rent themselves. Oxford House, Inc. will consider favorably a Charter application whether or not a loan is received from the State or some other outside source.

how to start an oxford house

CAPITAL LEASE English meaning

definition capital lease

The asset is of such a specialized nature that it is expected to have no alternative use to the lessor at the end of the lease term. The regulations contain many provisions intended to make it easier to determine when capitalization is required.

With our interest expense forecast complete, the remaining step is to calculate the capital lease payment, which is captured on the cash flow statement. The offsetting entry recorded is the capital lease liability account, which we’ll set equal to the ROU asset, i.e. link to the $372k from the prior step. ACapital Lease represents a long-term contractual agreement, where a company (i.e. the lessee) can rent a fixed asset such as PP&E from another party (i.e. the lessor) for a specified period of time in exchange for periodic interest payments. In 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board made an amendment to its accounting rules requiring companies to capitalize all leases with contract terms above one year on their financial statements. The amendment became effective on December 15, 2018, for public companies and December 15, 2019, for private companies.

Capital Lease Criteria

Another example of off-balance-sheet financing is an operating lease, which are typically entered into in order to use equipment on a short-term basis relative to the overall useful life of the asset. Straight-line depreciation expense must be recorded for the equipment that is leased. This is based on the calculated equipment cost of $164,995, which is apportioned equally over eight years at $20,624 per year. The lease payments have a present value, or PV, exceeding 90% of the asset’s fair market value. Operating leases are formed by a lease agreement, and the lessee doesn’t own the property being leased. The owner of the property transfers only the right to use the property, and the lessee returns the property to the owner at the end of the lease. The present value of the lease payments does not exceed 90% of the fair market value of the equipment.

BOEM Proposes Regulations to Improve Offshore Wind Lease … – Lexology

BOEM Proposes Regulations to Improve Offshore Wind Lease ….

Posted: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 23:03:45 GMT [source]

Under the previous standard, ASC 840, there used to be a substantial difference between operating leases and capital leases when it came to accounting for one or the other. The standard required that operating leases only needed to be accounted for on the income statement, and did not need to be recorded on the balance sheet. A significant aspect of the new standard is that both operating leases definition capital lease and finance leases must be recorded on a company’s balance sheet, whereas only capital leases were previously recorded on the balance sheet. The FASB and the IASB have proposed some changes to lease accounting rules that would virtually eliminate operating lease accounting treatment for all companies that lease real estate. The changes, proposed in 2012, are expected to take effect in 2015.

What is a lease?

Capital leases (now “finance”), resemble financed purchases; the lease term spans most of the asset’s useful life. Operating leases resemble rental agreements; the asset is used for a set time with useful life remaining at lease end. Following the GAAP accounting point of view, such a lease is classified as essentially equivalent to a purchase by the lessee and is capitalized on the lessee’s balance sheet. See Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 13 for more details of classification and accounting.

definition capital lease

What is an Oxford House? Oxford House Recovery Homes

Individuals who open a new Oxford House, as you might imagine, intend to use the property as an Oxford House. According to the Oxford House model, as each founding member moves out, a new member who shares the group’s common pursuit is voted in. Even if every founding member happens to move out at once, though, the non-founding members who replace them will learn the Oxford House model from members of nearby Oxford Houses. Following the Oxford House model, the group of non-founding members will continue to pursue long term recovery together as a group, just like the group who started the house.

  • The average number of times an Oxford House resident has been through prior treatment is three, but for about a quarter of residents their Oxford House residency is after their first treatment episode.
  • Later, some of us were to move into half-way houses which provided shelter, food, and supervision.
  • It provides quality control by organizing regional Houses into Chapters and by relying heavily upon the national network of mutual aid organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups.

Many individuals in society are able to abide by the strict letter of any rule, regulation , or law. Alcoholics and drug addicts seem to have a tendency to test and retest the validity of any real, potential, or imagined restriction on their behavior. By the time many of us had stopped drinking, we had lost jobs; we had lost families, and some of us either had no place to live or no place to live which was not an invitation to start drinking again. Oxford 12 Group Activities For Addiction Recovery House was founded not only to put a roof over our head, but also to create a home where the disease of alcoholism was understood and the need for the alcoholic to stay away from the first drink was emphasized. The bond that holds the group together is the desire to stop drinking and stay stopped. Modest rooms and living facilities can become luxurious suites when viewed from an environment of alcoholics working together for comfortable sobriety.

Q. How many times has the average Oxford House resident been through residential treatment?

One can only be dismissed from an Oxford House because of drinking, using drugs, non-payment of rent, or disruptive behavior. Every opportunity should be given to a member who needs professional help to see that he obtains it. Some operate for several years and then, because of expiration of a lease, dissatisfaction with the facilities, or simply the finding of a better location, the members of a particular House will move into a new location.

how to start an oxford house

Generally an individual comes into an Oxford House following a 28-day rehabilitation program or at least a 5 to10-day detoxification program. The trial became a lightning rod for issues of parental responsibility, in a time of frequent cases of gun violence carried out by minors. It was the most high-profile example of prosecutors seeking to hold parents responsible for violent crimes committed by their children. Yes, by simply writing or calling Oxford House to ask for a Charter application. Once that application is completed and received by Oxford House, Inc., a “Conditional Charter” will be granted to the house at no cost. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses.

Q. How much sobriety or clean time is needed before an individual can be accepted into an Oxford House?

This includes substituting the entire membership of a house should a house fail to adhere to the high standard required by the Oxford House charter. NASCAR completed 20 laps in 2020 before rain halted activity, and the race resumed the next day. The Xfinity Series race is now scheduled to be held Monday morning, hours ahead of the 4 p.m.

how to start an oxford house

Oxford House Inc., is a non-profit, tax exempt, publicly supported corporation which acts as a umbrella organization for the national network of Oxford Houses. It provides quality control by organizing regional Houses into Chapters and by relying heavily upon the national network https://en.forexdata.info/the-missing-piece-the-spiritual-malady/ of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups. While Oxford House is not affiliated with AA or NA, its members realize that recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction can only be assured by the changing of their lifestyle through full participation in AA and NA.

Q. What if there is no Oxford House in the area, or there are no vacancies in any Oxford House in the region?

Q. What if there is not an Oxford House in the area or there are no vacancies in any Oxford House in the region? All they need to do is to find a house to rent in the name of the Group, and apply to Oxford House, Inc., for a charter. Sometimes, home is not the best place to be, especially for those in recovery. Yet, needing a roof over your head isn’t the only reason to consider an Oxford House. These homes offer individuals a safe and secure place to live where they can learn responsibility, gain recovery support, and learn to live a sober life.

  • This discourages isolation and helps the newcomer to learn or relearn socialization to get the full benefit of recovering individuals helping each other to become comfortable enough in sobriety to avoid relapse.
  • Q. What if there is not an Oxford House in the area or there are no vacancies in any Oxford House in the region?
  • This has always been true in practice, and since March 12, 1989, the effective date of the 1988 Amendments to the Federal Fair Housing Act, it has been true as a matter of law.

What Is a Suspense Account? How It Works, Types, and Example

define suspense account

These records temporarily hold money until an activity generates a process to disperse or apply the money. Once accountants have determined the proper classification of the journal entries, it will be recorded to their correct accounts and removed from suspense accounts. A suspense account is needed because the appropriate account was not determined at the time the transaction was being recorded. As long as a transaction is found in a suspense account and hasn’t yet been transferred to its permanent account, it is placed in the suspense account, acting as its holding account for the transaction.

What is a suspense account on Balance Sheet?

Suspense account meaning

As the name suggests, a suspense account is an account that temporarily records amounts that are yet to have their proper accounts determined. In balance sheet terms, a suspense account is not ideal, as it can prevent you from accurately balancing the books.

Suspense Account means the account established by the Trustee for maintaining contributions and forfeitures which have not yet been allocated to Participants. Our Highly Experienced Team recommends Products or Services after thoroughly researching them to ensure we provide an unbiased, comprehensive solution define suspense account for your Home or Business. We Stand by our Reviews and when you Purchase something we’ve Recommended, the commissions we receive help support our Staff and our Research Process. A few weeks later, Customer A has sent the payment details for the above receipt with a reference to Invoice # 61109xyz.

Free Debits and Credits Cheat Sheet

Mortgage vendors then keep the first payment in the suspense account until the second payment is received for the month and the payment is complete and recorded to its correct account. The suspense account can have a debit or a credit balance, depending on which side the trial balance is short. Using a suspense account allows the accountant to review each individual transaction in the account before they clear it. The objective here is to shift the transaction to its original/permanent account in time. It’s important to keep unidentified amounts in a separate account in order to stay organised and identify them later more easily. These unmatched amounts should not be left in amongst your already-identified transactions.

Standardize, accelerate, and centrally manage accounting processes – from month-end close tasks to PBC checklists – with hierarchical task lists, role-based workflows, and real-time dashboards. Patriot’s online accounting software is easy to use and made for the non-accountant. When you record uncertain transactions in permanent accounts, you might have incorrect balances. Suspense accounts help you avoid recording transactions in the wrong accounts. You also avoid failing to record a transaction because of missing information. You might be unsure about which department of your business to charge, so you place the amount in a suspense account. If the credits in the trial balance are larger than debits, record the difference as a debit.

You buy a fixed asset but don’t receive it until it’s paid off

Some jurisdictions have rules and regulations regarding suspense accounts because they are considered a control risk. Therefore, it is vital to have a process in place to clear out the suspense account on regular basis so that all of the suspense account entries are moved into their designated accounts to zero out the suspense balance. If the credits in the trial balance exceed the debits, record the difference as a debit–and vice versa–to make both columns of the trial balance report balance. The suspense account can hold the difference that led to the trial balance not balancing until the discrepancy is rectified. Let’s suppose you have been alerted that a remittance someone sent you from abroad is ready for withdrawal. Until you actually make the withdrawal from the agent or financial institution, the remittance money may be stored in their suspense account.

  • Just like the mortgage suspense account, investors keep their money in this account until such time that they are ready to purchase new investments.
  • In mortgage servicing, the servicer can use a suspense account to park funds temporarily if a borrower has made only a partial payment for that month.
  • Otherwise, the amounts in the account can grow to quite substantial proportions, and be very difficult to deal with months later, especially if there is minimal documentation of why transactions were initially placed in the account.
  • The bookkeeper is unable to balance the company’s trial balance, with the credit column exceeding the debit side by $500.
  • Brokerage suspense accounts act as funds for investors who are planning to reinvest their money and are yet to decide which investments they wish to go ahead with.

Suspense account What is a suspense account?

define suspense account

Increase accuracy and efficiency across your account reconciliation process and produce timely and accurate financial statements. Drive accuracy in the financial close by providing a streamlined method to substantiate your balance sheet. AccountDebitCreditSuspense Account1,000Accounts Payable1,000Later, you decide to bill the supplies account of the purchasing department.

  • A general ledger is where a business records its assets and liabilities on an ongoing basis, broken into separate categories or accounts.
  • A trial balance is a worksheet with totals of all accounts in the general ledger.
  • Once the corresponding invoice has been identified and the details about the transaction are known.
  • It is useful to have a suspense account, rather than not recording transactions at all until there is sufficient information available to create an entry to the correct account.
  • The GoCardless content team comprises a group of subject-matter experts in multiple fields from across GoCardless.
  • An accountant was asked to record a few journal entries written by the finance head of a large corporation.

The rules that mortgage servicers must follow are spelled out by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which enforces the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. For example, the periodic account statements that servicers are responsible for providing to borrowers must indicate any payments that have been put into a suspense account and the total amount of money in that account. The servicer must also explain what the borrower needs to do in order to have that money applied to their mortgage payment. A suspense account is an account that is used to temporarily store money until a decision is made about where the money will be allocated. It identifies where the money came from and allows the money to be used as payment to one or more policies.

Classification of Suspense Accounts

The most important point to understand is that transactions are recorded in the suspense account only temporarily and need to be relocated to their correct permanent accounts as soon as possible. Investing and brokerage suspense accounts temporarily hold investors’ funds until the money is allocated towards the purchase of new investments. After define suspense account which, they need to debit the suspense account and credit the accounts payable. Once the department has been specified, the accountant or management will be able to quickly bill that department. Finally, for the buying department to complete the transaction, the accountant will credit the suspense account and debit the supply account.

To close the suspense account, credit the suspense account and debit the supplies account for the purchasing department. A suspense account is an account used temporarily to carry doubtful entries and discrepancies pending their analysis and permanent classification. A company’s general ledger needs to show all of your organisation’s financial accounts, including your suspense account. It is vital to understand that all the transactions are temporarily recorded in this account. Although there is no standard amount of time set by regulatory authorities to clear this account, we should move all the transactions into their correct accounts as soon as we can ascertain their exact nature.

Royalty Disbursement or Suspense Account definition

DisclaimerAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Every day when you go to work or school, the first thing you have to do is find a place to park. You need somewhere to put your vehicle temporarily while you do your job or learn new things. You have to park in any spot you can find and you may never park in the same spot again! At the end of the day, you will get in your car and move it to your more permanent parking place in front of your home. For 1993–94, £1.4 million has been recovered from planning authorities and paid into a suspense account.

What kind of account is suspense?

A suspense account is a general ledger account in which amounts are temporarily recorded. The suspense account is used because the appropriate general ledger account could not be determined at the time that the transaction was recorded.

The suspense account is used as a place to temporarily hold unclassified or disputed funds and expenses while a company decides where to put them permanently. This lesson will illustrate some common uses for suspense accounts with examples. A trial balance is a worksheet with totals of all accounts in the general ledger. Trial balances are usually prepared at the end of the reporting period to make sure that all credits and debits are equal. A suspense account may be added to the trial balance when there are understated or overstated balances that cannot be corrected before the end of the reporting period. The purpose of suspense account entries is to temporarily hold uncategorized transactions.


Unmatched amounts are clearly indicated, meaning you can go back and match them easily once you know where they belong. The suspense account is built-it, effectively allowing you to manage all transactions, even if they have not yet been categorised. Finally, internal bookkeeping errors, such as overstated or understated balances, duplicate entries, or incomplete or partial entries are recorded in the suspense account until the error can be adjusted.

  • Suspense accounts on balance sheets are not desirable since they might make it difficult to balance the books appropriately.
  • Centralize, streamline, and automate end-to-end intercompany operations with global billing, payment, and automated reconciliation capabilities that provide speed and accuracy.
  • A suspense account is an account where you record unclassified transactions.
  • The suspense account provides a place for accountants to temporarily log and track incomplete transactions until more information is obtained.
  • Regardless of the issues in question, suspense accounts are cleared out once the problem is addressed, at which time the funds are promptly re-shuffled to their correctly designated accounts.
  • This closes out the suspense account and posts the transaction to the correct account.
  • When all the rectified entries are recorded into a suspense account, it should not be left with any balance.

In order to complete the assignment by the deadline, the accountant recorded the “mystery” amount in the general ledger Suspense account. When the controller is available, the accountant will get clarification and will move the amount from the Suspense account to the appropriate account.

Examples: Suspense Account Journal Entries

Suspense accounts are also used by lenders, such as mortgage providers, when borrowers accidentally or intentionally break up their regular payment obligations. There is an uncertainty regarding transaction classification at the time of its entry into an accounting system. Intercompany accounting stands for the processing and accounting of inter-company/internal financial activities and events that cross legal entities, branches, or… Add suspense account to one of your lists below, or create a new one. Having undertaken a review, the commercial concern just cannot slide the costs away into some suspense account. If one of these conditions exist, the transaction should be directed to a suspense account. £50,000 was being held in a suspense account until the copyright dispute was cleared up.

  • For freelancers and SMEs in the UK & Ireland, Debitoor adheres to all UK & Irish invoicing and accounting requirements and is approved by UK & Irish accountants.
  • Suspense accounts help you avoid recording transactions in the wrong accounts.
  • A unique suspense number is generated with each suspense record for identification purposes.
  • Brokerage firms also use suspense accounts to park client funds after securities are sold and the client isn’t sure about what to do with the proceeds.

The accountant recorded the “unclassified” amount in the general ledger suspense account to complete the assignment by the deadline. It is useful to have a suspense account, rather than not recording transactions at all until there is sufficient information available to create an entry to the correct account.

Ensure services revenue has been accurately recorded and related payments are reflected properly on the balance sheet. For suspense account journal entries, open a suspense account in your general ledger. The format of suspense account entries will be either a credit or debit. Also, enter the same amount with an opposite entry in another account. An accountant was asked to record a few journal entries written by the finance head of a large corporation. There was one transaction whose nature could not be ascertained at recording.

Is it necessary to close a suspense account?

Ans: No, it is not necessary to close a suspense account as long as you are taking note of incorrect transactions in it. However, terminating a suspense account occasionally is an excellent practice as it creates sufficient time and speed to adjust books of account.

Companies come to BlackLine because their traditional manual accounting processes are not sustainable. We help them move to modern accounting by unifying their data and processes, automating repetitive work, and driving accountability through visibility. Since our founding in 2001, BlackLine has become a leading provider of cloud software that automates and controls critical accounting processes. Our solutions complement SAP software as part of an end-to-end offering for Finance & Accounting. BlackLine solutions address the traditional manual processes that are performed by accountants outside the ERP, often in spreadsheets.

JavaScript average value calculation using array reduce

And we will learn how it works and implement it in JavaScript. We will iterate over the list of elements using the for() loop. We will iterate over the list of elements using the forEach() loop.

The latter approach is a bit tricky to wrap your head around as a beginner. However, it is a really short and concise way to get the job done. In JavaScript, there is a built-in function called forEach(). Loop through the numbers and add each number to the sum. Let’s implement a basic JavaScript for loop to find the average first. The average value describes the centrality of data.

How would I do this and implement it with the code I currently have? The elements are supposed to be defined as I have it below. As shown below, you can get the same functionality by passing N numbers of values as a parameter to return an average. javascript average There is not any built-in method to get an average in JavaScript. We usually do different tricks and ways to achieve that functionality to count the average of defined values. There is a built-in function named reduce() in JavaScript.

Firstly, we must calculate the sum of all given values we are looking for to find an average. We iterate the code statement to traverse an array to all indexes to perform that small task. What we need is a function that takes an array of prices, and the window/period the moving average shall be calculated for. In the end, it should return an array containing the SMAs.

Bonus: calculate multiple arrays

Perhaps the most beginner-friendly way to find the average of a JavaScript array is by using a for loop for summing up the numbers. Note that for arrays with holes, the count is distinct from the length. Returns the arithmetic mean of the collection, by computing its sum and the count of values and returning the quotient. For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.

  • To get a handle on it, we’ll solve a sample problem .
  • With this knowledge at hand, you can calculate the EMAs for all days, except the first one where you use the SMA.
  • This is the initial value for the sum of the array.
  • Pay special attention to our addScores function and the line where we call .reduce().
  • Another approach is to use the parseInt() method for mapping the values to a number.

Its value can be obtained by calculating the sum of all the values in a set and dividing the sum by the number of values. The sum is then divided by the length of the array to get the average. The reduce() function is used to find the sum of the numbers in the array. The second argument of the reduce() function call is 0. This is the initial value for the sum of the array. Next up, you are going to learn how to use the forEach() function for calculating the average.

Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler’s JS online compiler for free. It’s one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Javascript language. Getting started with the OneCompiler’s Javascript editor is easy and fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as Javascript and start coding. If the optional initial is available, it will be used at the beginning of the process, or as a final result in case the array is empty.

JavaScript How to Calculate Average of an Array

Methods like .map() and .filter() take just one callback argument, and do fairly simple things. So, we’ve applied array iteration methods to our problem. We’re not telling JavaScript how to run a loop and keep track of indexes. Instead, we define small, simple helper functions and combine them.

javascript average

We end up with a single result stored in popularityInfo. Just iterate through the array, since your values are strings, they have to be converted to an integer first. And average is just the sum of values divided by the number of values. An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.

Calculating average of an array in JavaScript

This is why you calculate the SMA for the first day, and for the next, you calculate the EMA using the SMA of the previous day as EMAy. When you’re done, the SMAs can be interpreted. Either by some automatism or by you, looking at a chart, like the one you see below.

To explain what’s going on, we’ll spell it out a little more. // We use an object to keep track of multiple values in a single return value. Lastly, I’m performing a function “for each” of the numbers in the numbers array. This function will handle one number at a time, which I’m identifying as “n” within the function body. Instead of adding methods to Array.prototype,I think adding theme to Math object is a better choice – they are all “number handlers”. Neat implementation althought I would have implemented sum to use a for loop instead of reduce.

Find the Average Using reduce()

You can revoke your approval at any time by unsubscribing. For more information, please visit the privacy policy. And especially for that last decision, there are some methods that include the MA.

What actually happens is defined by the Javascript definition for the reduce function. In this HTML page source, we have created a button called calculateAverage() on click event. To understand the JavaScript average, we must know the common mathematical formula to find an average.

javascript average

As you need the SMA as the first EMAy, it makes sense to make a small change to the function that calculates it first. You can introduce a parameter that states how many values should be calculated, and that stops the loop when exceeded. Finally, push the result to an array and return that from your function. After all that theory and math, it’s finally time for some programming. Another approach is to use the parseInt() method for mapping the values to a number. We’re filtering, extracting the number and calculating the average all together.

Sum and average Array of Objects in JavaScript

1.) I agree with Brad, I do not think it is a good idea to extend object that we did not create. This type of loop is unintelligible at first glance. @VitoGentile and DanD uglifying the code for performance gains which modern Browsers https://globalcloudteam.com/ compile away anyway should not be best practice. Provide detailed answers to this question, including citations and an explanation of why your answer is correct. Answers without enough detail may be edited or deleted.

Code – Getting average of an array using JavaScript

In JavaScript, there is a built-in function called reduce(). Divide the sum of numbers by the number of numbers in the array. Calculating the average is a useful way to describe data in statistics. The optional zero argument is the initial value for both the sum and count, and defaults to 0. ES6 introduced classes along with OOPS concepts in JS.

You can see the button Click to get Average that triggers the calculateAverage() method. In the body of that method, we have initialized an array of integer values and other useful variables to calculate an average. You learned how to use JavaScript to calculate the average of an array. To summarise, in statistics, the average is used to describe the centrality of a dataset. Write a JavaScript program to compute the average of an array, after mapping each element to a value using the provided function.

In the below example, we are computing the average of an array after finding the sum of all the values. We apply to parseInt() to find the sum of all values. // We’ll create a sum function that adds all the items of an array together. Seeing JS code written this way sometimes freaks people out.