Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption

An algorithm is basically a procedure or a formula for solving a data snooping problem. An encryption algorithm is a set of mathematical procedure for performing encryption on data. Through the use of such an algorithm, information is made in the cipher text and requires the use of a key to transforming the data into its original form. This brings us to the concept of cryptography that has long been used in information security in communication systems. Naturally, asymmetric is a more advanced encryption standard and thus is slower and resource-consuming.

  • For Example, Stream and block cipher, Data Encryption Standard , Advanced Encryption Standard , and BLOWFISH.
  • Symmetric encryption is then used for data encryption for the rest of it.
  • In symmetric encryption, the host that are participating in the communication already have the secret key that is received through the external means.
  • One example of such a system is encrypted email, in which a public key can be used to encrypt a message, and a private key can be used to decrypt it.

Due to this, it is usually utilized in smaller transactions, usually to establish safe communication channels, or authenticating users. The process is fast, employing hardware instructions that are incorporated into modern CPUs. It includes a total of five steps that are writing the plaintext, encryption using an algorithm, using the private key, then processing into the Ciphertext, and lastly, decrypting the message. Asymmetric encryption is used to establish the connection and to exchange the single key used in symmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is then used for data encryption for the rest of it.

Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key cryptography, which is a relatively new method, compared to symmetric encryption. Secret keys are exchanged over the Internet or a large network. It is important to note that anyone with a secret key can decrypt the message and this is why asymmetric encryption uses two related keys to boosting security. A public key is made freely available to anyone who might want to send you a message. The second private key is kept a secret so that you can only know. The drawback of this encryption is that it takes more time than the symmetric encryption process.

What is the Asymmetric Key?

In this method, two separate keys, public and private keys are used for encryption and decryption respectively. A common use of asymmetric encryption algorithms is transferring a shared secret via asymmetric key exchange when connecting to a VPN server. The difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption is in the way messages are encrypted and decrypted. A method wherein a message is encrypted and decrypted with the use of a single key is called symmetric encryption. On the other hand, asymmetric encryption is a method of encryption and decryption of messages with a different key.

The signature uses the encryption process above but in reverse. The CA has its own public and private keys and uses its private key to encrypt everyone else’s public keys. The resulting signatures are contained in digital certificates. Bob can retrieve Alice’s public key by obtaining her digital certificate from a directory service, secure in the knowledge that this is Alice’s true identity.

Using SecureAge PKI-based asymmetric encryption to protect your files

One of the most significant advantages of asymmetric encryption is that there is no single key. The public key has no value to any third parties, as it only encrypts data. That’s why you can easily send it over unsecured channels online. Only the private key decrypts the stuff encrypted with your public key. And that’s how you can transfer things without exposing your data to risks. It is important to ensure that information shared over the internet is secure.

What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

Nicolas Poggi is the head of mobile research at Prey, Inc., provider of the open source Prey Anti-Theft software protecting eight million mobile devices. Nic’s work explores technology innovations within the mobile marketplace, and their impact upon security. Nic also serves as Prey’s communications manager, overseeing the company’s brand and content creation. Nic is a technology and contemporary culture journalist and author, and before joining Prey held positions as head of indie coverage at TheGameFanatics, and as FM radio host and interviewer at IndieAir.

Asymmetric Encryption

This is because ECC is what is called a “trapdoor”, or a mathematical operation that is easy and quick to complete, but extremely difficult to reverse. Data encryption goes back to ancient civilisations that used forms of message concealment, in peace as well as in wartime. The Egyptians used Disordered Hieroglyphics, the Greeks Steganography, the Spartans Scytale and the Romans, the Caesar Shift Cypher. Symmetric Encryption is faster than the process of Asymmetric Encryption as Asymmetric Encryption uses two different sets of keys, and Symmetric Encryption uses the same set.

Ask Any Difference is made to provide differences and comparisons of terms, products and services. I’ve put so much effort writing this blog post to provide value to you. It’ll be very helpful for me, if you consider sharing it on social media or with your friends/family. Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption are both a type of cryptography. All those complicated processes I described in the most layperson’s terms possible happen in the background, and you just reap the benefits. But for those who want to delve deeper, the subject is endlessly complex.

What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

A public key is available for anyone who needs to encrypt a piece of information. A user needs to have a secondary key, the private key, to decrypt this information. This way, the private key is only held by the actor who decrypts the information, without sacrificing security as you scale security. Symmetric encryption is great when working with sensitive data in bulk, or encryption tasks that intend to permanently hide information without the need for decryption. For example, when you activate BitLocker on a Windows computer to encrypt all hard drives. By unlocking the PC with his/her passcode, the user will decrypt data without the risk of exposing its secret encryption key.

Differences Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

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The public key used in this encryption technique is applicable to everyone, but the private key used in it is not revealed. Prior to Diffie-Hellman, two parties seeking to encrypt their communications between each other had to physically pre-exchange encryption keys so that both parties could decipher each other’s encrypted messages. Diffie-Hellman made it so that these keys could be securely exchanged over public communication channels, where third parties normally extract sensitive information and encryption keys. Asymmetric encryption can be applied to systems in which many users may need to encrypt and decrypt a message or set of data, especially when speed and computing power are not primary concerns. One example of such a system is encrypted email, in which a public key can be used to encrypt a message, and a private key can be used to decrypt it. In symmetric schemes, the keys are randomly selected, and their lengths are usually set at 128 or 256 bits, depending on the required level of security.


Though both can be useful, they each have their own advantages and disadvantages and so are put to different applications. As the science of cryptography continues to evolve to defend against newer and more sophisticated threats, both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic systems will likely remain relevant to computer security. However, if Alice uses an asymmetric scheme instead, she encrypts the message with Bob’s public key, so Bob will be able to decrypt it with his private key. Thus, asymmetric encryption offers a higher level of security because even if someone intercepts their messages and finds Bob’s public key, they are not able to decrypt the message. As both parties use the same key, symmetric encryption is much faster. On the other hand, the key must be available to decrypt the message.

What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

In asymmetric key cryptography, a key cannot be distributed among sender and receiver as both have their own key, so there is no problem of key distribution while transmitting the data over the insecure channel. Asymmetric encryption also allows for digital signature authentication, unlike symmetric encryption. Basically, this involves using private keys to digitally sign messages or files, and their corresponding public keys are used to confirm that these messages originated from the correct, verified sender. Transport Layer Security , as well as its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer , uses symmetric encryption.

Benefits of Symmetric Cryptography

Elliptic Curve Cryptography is an alternative to RSA that uses a small size of key mathematical elliptic curves for the process of data encryption. This algorithm technique is hugely popular because of its use in cryptocurrency. Asymmetric encryption is usually used to exchange secret key, but for transmitting a mass of data, Symmetric encryption can be used. Symmetric encryption is carried out using a single hidden key known to all parties as to the ‘Symmetric Code.’ The key is used to encrypt information and decode it. The sender uses this key before the message is sent, and the receiver uses it to decode the encoded letter. Asymmetric key cryptography is also called public-key cryptography.

What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

The private key cannot be exchanged with others while decrypting. There is only one key is used, and the similar key can be used to encrypt and decrypt the message. At Trenton Systems, we offer data encryption solutions in our high-performance servers and workstations in the form of AES-compliant, Opal-compliant, and FIPS compliant self-encrypting drives . Like symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption may be carried out manually or automatically. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure the security of the encryption key at rest and in transit.

Difference Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography.

The encryption process is generally faster in symmetric cryptosystems due to the smaller key lengths. The drawback of this system is that the senders and receivers need to exchange keys before decrypting the message. If the keys are not changed regularly, the system will be prone to attacks since an attacker can use the leaked key to disrupt the communication. The symmetric cryptosystem uses MACs to provide integrity and authentication. Asymmetric cryptography uses two keys for encryption and decryption. A public key, which is interchanged between higher than one user.


It encrypts this key with the public key and sends it back to the server. The server will then decrypt the pre-master secret key using the related private key. This pre-master secret key will be used to encrypt communications between the client and the server from this point forward, switching from asymmetric encryption to symmetric encryption. However, although symmetric encryption is a faster, more straightforward what Is cryptography and how does It work process, it’s more vulnerable to security risks due to the nature of keeping the shared key a secret. Meanwhile, asymmetric encryption may be a more complex and resultantly slower process, but it’s ultimately a far more secure encryption method. Unlike symmetric encryption, it can authenticate identities, which makes it ideal for messages sent between two parties previously unknown to each other .

The commonly used symmetric encryption algorithms are DES, 3 DES, AES, RC4. For a user visiting a HTTPS website for the first time, the initial connection is made using asymmetric encryption. During the SSL handshake, the website server sends the client (the user’s browser) its public key. The client authenticates the public key, then uses it to create what’s known as a pre-master secret key.

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