Basic HOA Accounting: A Guide For HOA Board Members CSM

hoa bookkeeping

If you are a self-managed community this activity can take up a lot of time. If you want to offload this responsibility contact a specialty bookkeeping or financial management service like Community Financials and ask for a quote that you can discuss with your board. The Statement of Income and Expense is important for HOA financial management. This document tracks all the money coming in and out of your accounts.

hoa bookkeeping

Reliable HOA Accounting & Financial Management

Condo communities and homeowners’ associations are typically set up as non-profit corporations. Just like for-profit corporations they have monthly income and expenses. This income and expense require monthly accounting tasks be completed. It is a specialty bookkeeping service that has expertise in providing these monthly accounting tasks for condos and HOAs. Associa provides a wide range of accounting solutions to homeowners associations.

hoa bookkeeping

Basic HOA Accounting: A Guide For HOA Board Members

  • Simply put, an HOA audit is a comprehensive analysis of your association’s accounting records, including your financial statements.
  • PayHOA has many years of experience with HOAs of all sizes across the country.
  • Luckily, professional help is available without sacrificing your independence or breaking the bank.
  • CSM provides every HOA board with a dedicated manager that understands every facet of your association.
  • The frequency of preparation of HOA financial statements may vary depending on state laws, community bylaws, and the size of the association.
  • You wouldn’t give control of your personal finances to someone you didn’t trust, and it’s no different with your HOA.

HOA accounting is probably one of the most complex, and most important, responsibilities of the association board. Preparing financial reports on a regular basis is important for many reasons. They also promote transparency between the board and members or it can also be a law requirement. The frequency of preparation of hoa accounting HOA financial statements may vary depending on state laws, community bylaws, and the size of the association. But, as an HOA board member, you should do your part to at least understand the basics of accounting and financial management. After all, even experienced professionals aren’t invulnerable to committing mistakes.

hoa bookkeeping

With access to this information, you will have a clear vision of the financial well-being of your association.

Accounts payable is the next item to understand when you’re learning how to take care of This refers to any unpaid expenses for the association, such as invoices for repair work, utility bills and municipal fees. Accounts payable reporting keeps the HOA aware of every expense that needs to be paid in the current month. Be prepared to handle an association’s daily finances as well as unexpected situations, like homeowner bankruptcy, expensive repairs for common areas or even fraud among board members.

How HOA Bookkeeping Services Can Help Your Finances

hoa bookkeeping

The company has a central database that board members and individual homeowners can access. HOA Assist also makes sure your community has enough funds to cover your expenses and events through careful financial report preparation. You can connect this accounting software for HOA managers to the association’s main account to keep track of expenses and deposits, so you have the information you need at tax time. It also automatically creates invoices from estimates and sends reminders when your residents forget to pay their dues. We currently service HOA’s in California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Nevada, Utah and Arizona but are working to provide services nationwide.

Consider an HOA Bookkeeping Service for a Happy, Financially Stable Community

  • Watch for unfamiliar invoices, double charges and any other suspicious activity.
  • This system accounts for both the debit and credit made in each transaction.
  • These ongoing duties already bog down board volunteers, and by the time the end of the year rolls around, they may be overwhelmed by closing the books.
  • In a perfect world, there would be lots of time for training and onboarding from one board term to the next.
  • For a smaller community this can be all that is needed along with a willing volunteer to handle the accounting.
  • When your records don’t match your bank statements, it takes time to find and correct any errors or missing transactions.
  • By learning the basics and practicing due diligence, you’ll be able to manage any association’s finances without problems.

You’ll be able to compare the HOA’s expenses and see if they are over or under budget for the month. HOA Accounting Services has a professional, knowledgeable and friendly staff. They are patient in answering questions and providing insight on financial statements. All invoices are stored so one can check back payments and billing history.

  • Use powerful search functions to find historical payments by date ranges, vendors, or even by expense accounts charged.
  • For one thing, bad HOA bookkeeping can cause a major financial fiasco within the association.
  • Therefore, you may not be able to push through with any pending legal cases with the homeowner or collect past due balances.
  • When you hear the word “audit,” most people immediately think of the IRS.
  • The management company provides a number of accounting services in addition to its remote HOA management services.
  • Maintaining the financial health of an association is of utmost importance to members, and it should also be for HOA management.

This includes preparing detailed financial statements, managing the HOA’s accounts payable, monitoring investments, and overseeing billing and collection of dues. Associa also takes care of account reconciliations, stays on top of delinquent accounts, and prepares and distributes checks. This company boasts full-service accounting help for both self-managed and managed homeowners associations.


  • You can’t beat the quality of accounting services or the affordable prices offered by Homeowner Association Accounting Services!
  • And, if you have any experience with HOAs at all, you’d know that homeowners hate having to pay special assessments on top of their monthly dues.
  • Plus, hiring an accounting service or CPA is another expense you need to budget for.
  • Compared to local management companies, CSM is able to help boards reduce their costs while maintaining control of their community without sacrificing the quality of life for their homeowners.
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